All Right Today we will cover what is probably the single most important use of a Traffic Exchange. The whole idea behind them is simple really, you want to promote yourself first and your product, opportunity or message second. Remember you should be advertising the exchanges splash pages in order to build your list on the exchange. You should be building your own list at the same time. You'll hear this over and over "THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST".
In order to build your list, again you should be using splash or squeeze pages. In the preceding entries I have given you some great resources to do this with. Customize them to Brand yourself! Ad a picture of yourself and your name. You will also need to tie these pages to an AUTO RESPONDER! This is important you'll never grow your list without this trust me I spent a long time trying and it just doesn't work.
For those that do not know, an Auto Responder will collect your subscribers information and enable you to send e-mails to them. Start with a welcome letter and a Thank you page with a offer on it. You will be able to send offers, newsletters, and information to your list at regular intervals on auto pilot.
You will Never get a list built and communicate without this. Now most Auto Responders carry a charge to use them and it's worth buying into a program that has one. TO FURTHER YOUR SUCCESS I'll share one that I am currently using. It's easy to use and you'll be able to make VIDEO SPLASH PAGES AS WELL. In fact if you have a Web Cam you'll be able to make videos simply by clicking a few buttons. No special knowledge is needed and you'll get the AUTO RESPONDER AS WELL. Now the best part of this is the simple fact that you can join and use these resources absolutely FREE!!
Just click the banner to check it out!
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