Tuesday, January 26, 2010

T.E. Banners.

Today we will talk a little about Banners. Almost every single opportunity has ready made banners for you to use in the tool box. These are great for putting on sites such as My Space, Yuwie, Face Book, ect. Every Traffic Exchange has a place where you can add your banner into the sites rotater and it can be assigned views just like your squeeze page. Just follow the directions on the exchange you would like to place the banner on and assign credits and poof your there. If you need credits to show your banners exchanges offer you credits to purchase, or you could simply click others banners and earn credits or you could win them as most offer you bonuses for a specific number of page views.

Now if you'd like to make your own banners you could use this site, once again this is a free site you simply sign up and your a graphic artist. There is also an upgrade you can purchase if you desire to do so.

Simply click the banner below for FREE INSTANT ACCESS!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Traffic Exchanges Continued

Ok, is everybody getting the hang of surfing. I will keep this short and sweet. You should be getting comfortable with your chosen exchanges, but have you noticed that there are more ways to take advantage of the exchanges. You have surly noticed that there are bonuses given out on most of the exchanges. These can be cash, credits, banner credits, or text ad credits. In order to get the most out of your promotions you should be using these services as well.

There is a lot of information to be given out on this subject so I would like to cover them for you one at time. Starting on the next post I will cover these aspects of Traffic Exchanges. In the mean time remember to keep surfing and to use pages that are short and to the point. Branding which is the most important aspect, promote yourself and than your opportunity.

Be sure to be assigning your credits to get your self and your opportunities seen.

To Your continued success

Friday, January 15, 2010

Traffic Exchanges

All right hopefully you are surfing a few exchanges and getting hits to your programs and opportunities. Today I would like to recommend to you just how to maximize your efforts on the Exchanges. I hope that you checked out the TE Tool Box, it's a really great resource.

Folks to get the best from your time surfing you must surf with a plan. If you joined one of my favorite exchanges: StartxChange you will see that they offer you great surfing bonuses to SUPER SURF. These bonuses can really add up. I am going to just briefly touch on the mechanics of the Super Surf and expand on it just a bit.

Again using the StartXChange as an example you join the other exchanges they cooperate with and they give you an extra bonus for every page you surf. That means you accumulate more credits to advertise your pages with. If you join the special guest Exchange you get even better bonuses.

I recommend that you open 5 to 10 windows at a time and have a different exchange in each window. Move thru each window clicking the credit links don't wait for the timer keep moving thru the exchanges till you get to the end and start again with the first. By all means if you see something that interests you just stay on that page and check it out. You should surf at least one hour per day this way and there is no limit on the amount of exchanges you surf or that amount of time you spend surfing. Remember that the best way to advertize on traffic exchanges is with a splash page make your own custom slpash page for free at http://www.tetoolbox.com/index.php?referer=murrayo also remember that it's FREE TO JOIN.

Traffic Exchages you can join FREE:

StartxChange: http://www.startxchange.com/?referere=murrayo
Traffic Splash: http://www.traffic-splash.com/?referer=murrayo
I Love Hits: http://www.ilovehits.com/?rid=96800
Dragon Surf: http://www.dragonsurf.biz/?rid=26716
Traffic Era: http://www.trafficera.com/?ref=murrayo
TS25: http://www.ts25.com/index.jsp?ref=murrayo
Hit 2 Hit: http://hit2hit.com/?rid=37519
Hits From Beyond: http://hitsfrombeyond.com/?r=58331
Traffic Swarm: http://www.trafficswarm.com/?ref=743123

Well happy surfing I hope that these exchanges work for you as they have for me !

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Traffic Exchanges.

OK so hopefully you joined a few of the exchanges I recommended.

There are a couple of things I want to go over about T.E.'s.

They can be a very good tool if they are used correctly.

Here's how to use your credits on exchanges to your benefit.

First you have a small window of opportunity to grab the

attention of the person viewing your ad. Long sales pages just

don't get the job done. You have to capture their attention in a

short 10 to 30 seconds depending on the exchange.

Now the best way to accomplish this is Thru the use of splash pages, or squeeze pages.

These pages are designed to be read fast and usually have a

capture or sign up form on them. Most of the programs out there have

provided a splash page or you can make your own.

I know what your thinking! How do I make theses pages?

To tell the truth they are fairly easy to make and

I just happen to have 2 great sites for you to help with this.

Now they are free to join as well,

and if you'd like they offer an option for a paid upgrade as well.

The TE Tool Box is the most valuable tool I can recommend for you!

Make your custom splash pages for use on any Traffic Exchange.

Check It Out Here: http://www.tetoolbox.com/index.php?referer=murrayo

Friends try this site out you won't be sorry you did and remember it's free to join!!!!

Now surf the exchanges you picked out and get your pages viewed.

To your success,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome To A New Year

Welcome to a New Year:

I am rededicating this blog to helping you understand the network marketing business. I may not be the end all, know all but I have the desire to help people make the best of my trials and tribulations. I will start with a basic knowledge of how to drive traffic to your web sites, web pages and opportunities. We will take it for granted that you have already picked a program that excites you. If you haven't, I have some easy to follow programs on My Web Site you can check out just go to http://www.easy-find-workathome.com

Now let's start out with Traffic Exchanges;

For those who are new to this Traffic Exchanges are a great way to drive traffic to the sites and pages you want. The idea is simple you can join for free and in order to get people to see your site you must view theirs.

Now, you can promote the traffic exchange of your choice to help you gain more credits and to earn cash bonuses. Most every one will have contests where you can earn cash and credits. Remember most let you contact your downlines so you'll have the opportunity to share programs with them. Most of them will also advertise your banners and text adds, but will will get into that later.

Here are some of the Traffic Exchanges that I use to build my business with. These are some of the best Exchanges on the web:

Free hit exchange

Check them out and join remember it's FREE! Explore the sites and start surfing. Don't forget to add your websites to them or simply add your referer links from these exchanges and start reaping the benefits.